“Rise stronger, reconstruct – Requiem, Lamb of God Apologies for the delay; this Guru has been quite busy. You know she loves to write but before writing everyone needs to know exactly what about. And these past weeks have been eventful… So eventful that she will be forced to split the news by bits. And she will start with the highlight of the month: her visit to Copenhagen. This place is made for the lovers of beauty, of good company, of creativity and innate coolness...
Ninx Flanagan, Furrier and Owner Bewitched Ltd. Facebook: facebook.com/bewitched.couture Instagram: @bewitched_couture Online shop: www.bewitchedltd.com Location: Workshop and Show room in Wiltshire, West of London.   Hello Ninx: It’s a pleasure to interview you for We Are Fur. Hi, thank you for asking me. How did you get into the fur industry? I always loved fur and have fond memories of my parents going to dinner parties and taking my sister and I, when we were very little, in sleeping bags and laying us down with...
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